Disclaimer: for those friends and aquaintances who read my blog, who are not in the role-play hobby, fear not, I have not lost my mind. The following blog has dungeons and dragons references.)
There was a time, before 3rd edition, Three point Five, forth edition, PATHFinder, and 5th edition that people were AFRAID of things. They approached their death with trepidation. Many moons have passed when dead-fall was the last thing you saw. Long ago were the days of TPK, (Total Party kill).
The dawn is coming again. Freedom. Freedom from heavy RULES based bumbling, 800 pound gorillas, and soforth.
The resurgence. A certain re awakening of the old ways.... Dawn is here.
Kzinti are often described as anthropomorphic tigers, but there are significant and visible differences. Kzinti are larger than humans, standing around 8 feet (2.4 m) tall and weighing around 500 pounds (230 kg). These tiger-sized bipeds have large membranous ears, a barrel-chested torso with a flexible spine, and large fangs and claws. One human gave an apt description of Kzin as "eight feet of death".
I was really inspired to dig down and find the Kzin again. I use to play in a group with a kzin. The player was terribly annoying and forth right. I loved it. :)
OLD SCHOOL Kzin/My interpretation based on facts below
Warrior Kzin 6-8ft
Hit Dice: 2+1
Move: 6
Damage:Greatswords1d8 or (claw/bite: 1d3+1 1d4+2)
Special: Natural AC (-2 for tough skin/Pelt), Darkvision 60 ft., scent, Initiative+1
Heres what I found on 'Le Net'
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (+2 leather armor, +2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: Greataxe +4 melee (1d12+3); or bite +4 melee (1d4+2)
Full Attack: Greataxe +4 melee (1d12+3); or bite +4 melee (1d4+2), 2 claws -1 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., scent
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 11
Skills: Spot +4, Listen +4
Feats: Improved Initiative
Environment: Warm or temperate plains or hills
Organization: Solitary, pack (2-5), gang (6-16 plus 1 leader of 2nd level), or band (15-90 plus 6-36 females plus 3 lieutenants of 2nd level and 1 chieftain of 4th level)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral or lawful evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1
Kzin, Female
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 12 (+2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+3
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4+1)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4+1), 2 claws -2 melee (1d3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., scent
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 11
Skills: Spot +1, Listen +2
Feats: Improved Initiative
Environment: Warm or temperate plains or hills
Organization: Band (6-36 plus 15-90 male kzin plus 3 lieutenants of 2nd level and 1 chieftain of 4th level)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral or lawful evil
Advancement: --
Level Adjustment: --
A kzin stands about 7 feet tall and resembles a bipedal, slightly anthropomorphic tiger. It is said that kzinti originated on another world. Wherever they originally came from, they are a terrible threat. A strictly organized, exceptionally warlike race, kzinti can often defeat and destroy far larger human forces.
Female kzinti are rarely seen by non-kzinti. They are protected, because they are weaker and non-sentient.
Kzinti on this world are usually found in variably sized but usually small bands roaming the plains or settling in ranching-based villages, though even the latter usually go raiding quite often.
On their original world or plane, it is said that they lived in cities ruling vast territories. All the Kzinti answered to a powerful lord, the Patriarch.
Most kzinti are warriors; of those kzinti who take a PC class, most are fighters, though rangers are not uncommon. Rogue kzinti (those of chaotic alignment and thus exiled from kzinti society) are usually barbarians. Most kzinti leaders are fighters.
Kzinti (Male) Traits:
* +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
* Medium size
* Speed 30 ft.
* Natural attacks: bite 1d4, 2 claws 1d3
* Darkvision 60 ft.
* Scent
I hope to do a Pak (Protector) as a template.
I will do a Thrint and maybe a Bandersnatch if I have the chance...
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