Friday, May 15, 2015

BEHOLD! The Children of they Hydras Teeth

As a Child of the 70's era I recall watching the chilling moments of  horror, monsters, and adventures. 

These are what formed my imagination, and my store house of fantasy. A fond thanks to NYC's culturally rich 'B' channels, 5, 9, and 11. 

Two memories come to mind from saturday afternoon TV and Chiller theatre...

Jason and the Argonauts, and Flying Guillotine (shaw brothers).

Since there are new gamers that may have never heard or seen the Argonauts movie, I wanted to share this because you can fill in those "19, I hit and do 4 points of damage" with something much more heroic. The things in these movies  you simply cannot do with the over bloated rules of 4th edition and pathfinder, and many of the more modern fantasy rule sets.

Here's a link to the battle scene.You can watch the full movie on Youtube

You Tube Link to the famous Skeleton Battle, Children of the Hydra's teeth.

I hope you are inspired as a DM to run interesting battles, and not stick completely to the rules. Allow your players to do heroic things. "You cant do that its not in the rules, or just let the dice handle all your actions" is no longer a response I can respect from a DM.

As a player I hope you are inspired to act heroically. Do exciting things. Push the envelope. Chase them down and dont fear your death... unless you are the thief from the conan movies :)

B/X  or Swords and Wizardry or old school game Skeletons

CREATURE: Skeleton
HD: 1
AC 8, 7 with shield
Attacks:  1 weapon or strike (1d6) or (1d6+1 two-handed)
Save: 17
Align: Neutral

Further inspiration: 

These lyrics are an except from a song called Hydra's Teeth by 3 inches of blood.
Up the mountain to a yawning cave
A fell beast guards the Golden Fleece
The Argo leader steps up to win the day
Harmed not by the weaponry of man
Brutal offspring of tormented minds
Armed with steel and lust for death
Relentless demons, the children of the hydra's teeth
Warriors of bone scream a ghastly cry
Commanded to kill them all
The ones who escape make off with the fleece
Sail back to the Agean Sea
Squads of death prowl the land
Killing in silence, killing by hand
Cloaked in darkness, masters of stealth
They lust for your blood
Not for your wealth

Enjoy your gaming. Id love to hear from you

1 comment:

  1. wow. I was always intrigued with such technology even if it is vintage

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